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Linus Huang


Linus Huang is a philosopher of cognitive science, technology, and artificial intelligence. He received his Ph.D. in History and Philosophy of Science from University of Sydney and held postdoctoral fellowships at Academia Sinica, Taiwan and University of California, San Diego. Linus’s research program explores the implications of computational cognitive neuroscience on the nature of agency and the human mind. His research has been published in Synthese, Philosophical Psychology, and Philosophy & Technology.

His dissertation, Neurodemocracy: Self-Organization of the Embodied Mind, focused on the problem of control: despite significant progress in understanding the neural mechanisms involved in specific cognitive functions, it remains unclear how these diverse neural mechanisms are coordinated to generate coherent and intelligent behaviors. His project argues that a hybrid account of control that incorporates insights from both embodied and classical cognitive architectures is the view best supported by empirical research. As an upshot, it provides an alternative perspective on self-control and implicit bias that is distinct from contemporary theories of agency.


At HKU, Linus will apply this embodied perspective to examine how we can promote social justice by ameliorating bias in humans and AI.


For more information about Linus's research and teaching, please visit his personal website.





Bechtel, W., & Huang, L. T. (2022). Philosophy of Neuroscience. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

Chen, H.-Y., Yu, L.-A., & Huang, L. T.* To Mask or Not to Mask: Epistemic Injustice in the COVID-19 Pandemics. Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology. (2021) (*corresponding author)


Huang, L. T. More Dynamical and More Symbiotic: Cortico-Striatal Models of Resolve, Suppression, and Routine Habit. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. (2021)


Huang, L. T., Bich, L, & Bechtel, W. Model Organisms for Studying Decision-Making: A Phylogenetically Expanded Perspective. Philosophy of Science. (2021)


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